Full Time
M-F, 8am-6pm
We offer full time infant classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $1465
Full Time
M-F, 8am-6pm
We offer full time toddler classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $1325
Part Time
M, W, F, 8am-6pm
We offer 3 day infant classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $920
Part Time
M, W, F, 8am-6pm
We offer 3 day toddler classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $835
2 Day
TU, TH, 8am-6pm
We offer 2 day infant classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $635
2 Day
TU, TH, 8am-6pm
We offer 2 day toddler classes at the following rate:
Monthly: $555
Drop In
We happily take drop ins, when space is available, for our currently enrolled, part time families at the following rate:
Hourly: $10 (minimum of 4 hours)
Full Day Rate: $70
A 5% discount is available for families paying a full 12 month annual tuition upfront. The tuition discount does not apply to the Registration Fee of $150.
Siblings receive a 5% discount on the lowest tuition.
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month and is paid monthly.